Acrylic laminate signs

Acrylic laminate signs Lightweight and durable Acrylic laminate is a lightweight and weatherproof material which makes it perfect for many signage applications indoor and out. It’s capable of being laser engraved to high resolution so fine detail isn’t a problem. This means it also works very well for smaller applications like name badges and labels […]
Event Branding

Nobody puts on an event for it not to be remembered by those who attend it. If there’s a theme associated with the venue or the occasion then that’s a perfect choice for aligning your event’s branding with it.
Making a laser cut rack

Making a laser cut rack Online shopping is squarely to blame for this one Making ‘flat-pack’ style items is one great application of laser cutting so when one’s wife looks at fancy tea racks for storing the inordinate quantity of tea you have you just knows what’s coming next. “You could make one of these” […]
Can lasers make 3D things?

Can lasers make 3D things? It’s not a 3D printer Most laser cutting or engraving machines work in 2D which is to say the laser generally fires downwards from above the material. In the case of a plotter style laser the laser beam is moved around on an X and Y axis on rails with […]
Two colour illuminated acrylic signs

Two-colour illuminated signs Neon? Not quite We’re all familiar with the neon signs like ‘Open/Closed’ or ’24hr Taxis’ and similar, they’ve been around for years and readily available. If you want one with a different message, though, a custom neon sign, as opposed to an LED neon-style one is expensive and fewer people are making […]
Advantages of laser cutting

The Laser advantage Variety of materials Due to the nature of how the laser works, the one machine can process a wide variety of materials. Unlike printers which are often limited in what each machine can produce – you need a different one for exterior signs compared to printing invitations and different again for doing […]
Slate coasters

Slate coasters Slate coasters, a classy way to get your message across Getting your brand in front of people isn’t always a straightforward task but sometimes there are some methods that can be easier than others if they suit your purpose. Coasters, if you’re in hospitality, particularly, are a piece of space just waiting for […]
What is hybrid signage

Hybrid Signage What is Hybrid Signage? Hybrid signage is simple enough – it’s signage made from more than one material or technique, bringing together different looks and feels to maximise their combined impact when viewed. Here we’ve picked the hybrid sign we created for Boutique Marquees. They are suppliers of high-end Sperry Tents and as […]
Stand out from the crowd

Looking for a cost-effective and attention-grabbing way to convey your brand or message? Laser cutting and engraving offers limitless possibilities, with the ability to work with an extensive range of materials, from wood, acrylic, and slate, to cork, leather, and fabrics. Whether you’re looking for an alternative to printed media or branded items such as merchandise, awards, or gifts, lasered items can help you stand out from the crowd. From small items like trolley tokens to large-scale wall signage, our rapid turnaround times and no minimum order quantity policy ensures that your needs are met quickly and efficiently. Contact us to see how we can help.
Supporting print and cut with laser cutting

Everybody loves a fancy invite dropping through their letterbox and one way to add that fanciness is to laser cut them.